illustration for Learn Angular Router for Real-World Applications

Learn Angular Router for Real-World Applications

1h 3m closed-captioning
people completed

One of the fundamental concepts for building a successful large-scale application is breaking it down into smaller, potentially independent, but mainly more controllable and maintainable parts. This starts at the component level, the module level, and finally the application routing level. Routing is a core part of every application—it should be part of every developer’s tool belt.

This course will guide you step-by-step from understanding the basic concepts of routing to mastering expert-level topics. We'll start by setting up and configuring the router, then define simple routes and child routes and best practices of organizing them using the Routing Module pattern.

You'll learn about the supported URL types and its segments, how to define them, and how to leverage RxJS Observables for subscribing to route updates. We'll also learn how to secure routes with various types of guards and about performance tuning with the router’s lazy loading and preloading capabilities.

Course Content

1h 3m • 21 lessons

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