illustration for Publish JavaScript packages on npm

Publish JavaScript packages on npm


Trevor Miller
21m closed-captioning
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npm is like a giant library of code building blocks. There are tons of these “blocks”, aka “packages” that we can compose together to build cool things. We can use packages by other developers, but we can also write and publish our own.

In this course we will learn how to create, publish, and update our own packages. We will create a JavaScript utility module to filter out sensitive words from a string, including tests and development file watching. We will then cover publishing and updating our package. This same approach can be used to create and publish other types of packages too like components (React, Angular, Web Components etc.) and command line interfaces.

Free Community Resource

A Community Resource means that it’s free to access for all. The instructor of this lesson requested it to be open to the public.

Learner Reviews

  • Júlio Piubello
    4 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    I liked a lot. To be perfect for me would be missing just how to handle typescript

  • Muescha
    4 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    good explained the step by step - thanks

  • Learner
    4 years ago
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    What would make this course a 7 for you?

    The instructions are somewhat outdated because of changes in the software being used. E.g. Babel has been re-structured in version 7 and we now need to say: npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-env

  • Learner
    4 years ago
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    What would make this course a 7 for you?

    Start with a short background about npm. explaining more about why we do each thing, like build and test..

  • Nurul
    5 years ago
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    How will you use what you learned from this course?

    Structure-wise, it's really good because it has a focus on publishing the package. Would be nice if :

    1 - author can add a few gotchas that could happen when publishing an npm package. For example, package name can't be the same, and the usage of "@namespace/some-package" is exclusive to paid account.

    2- author can revise the content. In particular, the babel dependencies are really outdated and since the time this course was first published, there have been many ways of configuring a project.

  • Steve Ford
    5 years ago
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    How will you use what you learned from this course?

    was very helpful! i hope there are more npm courses in the future

Course Content

21m • 10 lessons

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