3d Animations with Greensock TweenLite

InstructorLukas Ruebbelke

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AngularJS animations and TweenLite make it really easy to create cool 3d effects in your application.

~ 10 years ago

so im trying to animate all of the child elements of an ng-repeat as a single timeline and im unsure of how to go about it.

if i put the animation on the ng-repeat the element.children length is always 0 since the ng-repeat shows up for each instance as its own isolated scope.

how can i go about doing this? I have 6 panels that are rendered from JSON in an ng-repeat and I want to do a 3d animation that transitions between all of them really quick in 3D and then I do a $state.go at the end and move to a route that shows a single one. The route change itself uses the same animation.

~ 9 years ago

Is it possible to get the code for this lesson? The download link doesn't seem to be showing up for this one.

Thank you

~ 9 years ago

Code, por favor :)

~ 8 years ago

Is there any code to look at for this tutorial? As it hasn't posted on the website. Kind regards.