1. 6
    Build fully reactive APIs in Angular 2 with Observables
    1m 58s

Build fully reactive APIs in Angular 2 with Observables

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In this video you'll learn how Observables can improve the overall API design by designing APIs that accept Observables as arguments

Vitalie Andries
~ 8 years ago

Hi, could you help me with a hint (code are always welcome) how to and another operator (which?) to hold the request (like debounceTime did) until e.g. term.length is > 2.

Thank you.

Andrei Ivanovici
~ 7 years ago

Really nice quick course, thank you :). As a last step in the refactoring, maybe we can use the observable directly in the template, using the async pipe. I think that cleans to code eve further and also deals with managing the subscription in our component

~ 7 years ago

I had to add => to the search function

search = (terms: Observable<string>, debounceMs = 400)=>{
  	return terms
  	.switchMap (term => this.rawSearch(term));