1. 1
    Set up a NativeScript app in an Nx Workspace
    1m 30s

Set up a NativeScript app in an Nx Workspace

InstructorNathan Walker

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Nx is an open source toolkit for enterprise Angular applications. The workspace offers many advantages to maximizing code reuse across many different applications in a monorepo setup. Learn how to set up a NativeScript app in the workspace to work seamlessly alongside other apps all while sharing the same core dependencies.

Hatem Hosny
~ 7 years ago


I followed the tutorial. I get this error:

/d/DevWork/nxdemo/apps $ tns create mobile --template https://github.com/NathanWalker/template-nativescript-nx

Support for Node.js 8.4.0 is not verified. This CLI might not install or run properly.

Installing https://github.com/NathanWalker/template-nativescript-nx Preparing NativeScript for Nx... Cleaning up... NativeScript for Nx is finalizing...

  • nativescript-nx@1.0.0 added 3 packages in 7.818s

cp: no such file or directory: D:\DevWork\nxdemo\apps\mobile\node_modules@angular\animations*

can you please guide? thanks

Nathan Walkerinstructor
~ 7 years ago

Hi Hatem, Sounds like this may have been related to the Angular 5 upgrade in Nx. The template now supports latest Nx. You can remove and recreate the app to use the updated template. Thanks for reporting this issue.