Angular Automation: Gulp Serve

InstructorLukas Ruebbelke

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In this lesson, we are going to learn how to automatically serve our project via an HTTP server using gulp-serve. Being able to serve our project from an HTTP server allows us to bypass a myriad of development issues such as loading remote source files.

Wilgert Velinga
~ 9 years ago

Hi Lukas, thanks a lot for this series about Gulp. I have one request: can you normalize the audio a bit more between videos? There is quite a bit volume difference between them.

~ 8 years ago

I'm getting the following output, no error but cant see my site. Any ideas?

Server started at http://:::3000

Lukas Ruebbelkeinstructor
~ 8 years ago

@Tim, I am assuming you just ran gulp serve. Make sure you run gulp build first, as this will actually create the build directory that the serve task is serving. If you just run gulp serve, it will try to serve the build directory which doesn't exist since it hasn't been created. Hopefully that helps!

~ 8 years ago

Earlier in the eggly project, I decided to serve my cateogries and bookmarks models up via php. it appears that serve doesn't support php. I overcame this by using gulp-connect-php. It seems pretty nifty: