Getting started with Angular + JSPM + ES6

InstructorScott Moss

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JSPM allows you to load any client package from github and npm in any module format. Learn how to use it to create a great workflow with Angular and ES6.

~ 9 years ago

How do you incorporate JSPM into a production build? Specifically I need to transpile LESS to a concatenated app.css, and I need to pre-process *.js with ng-annotate prior to transpile + minify for the bundle.

At the moment the only path I can see is to use gulp to pre-process the sources and output the compiled files into a build folder then bundle from that folder, although this creates some consternation over how to structure the app with the remaining static assets.

I want to be able to run a watch on the files, edit, auto-compile and reload the browser and run tests.

When I am done, run bundle and process all files into an index.html, one or more bundle.js and my image/font folders.

Then Deploy the final package and run e2e tests.

Finally archive the zipped folder of assets.

How do we do all this?