Introduction to AngularJS Architecture Series

InstructorLukas Ruebbelke

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Ready to start learning about AngularJS Application Architecture? This lesson series is for you. Let's talk about what you will learn.

~ 10 years ago

Where can I get the source code for this tutorials?

Lukas Ruebbelkeinstructor
~ 10 years ago

Hi Saurav --

The code is linked in the next lesson.

Santhosh Kumar
~ 9 years ago

What is the editor that you're using? Would be helpful if you can add the tools used in the getting started series as well to newcomers!

Lukas Ruebbelkeinstructor
~ 9 years ago

Hi Santosh! Great suggestion!

In the meantime, I am using WebStorm from JetBrains. It comes with an incredible Angular plugin right out of the box that saves me a ton of time. There are too many features to list but trust me... it is excellent!

Victor Hazbun
~ 9 years ago

is this course still up date on best practices for organising AngularJS applications?

Victor Hazbun
~ 9 years ago

how the code should look like if we work with a real JSON API, what things needs to be change?

Lukas Ruebbelkeinstructor
~ 9 years ago

Hi, Victor -- this concepts covered are still applicable to Angular 1.x applications. The main points are to organize by feature, keep your controllers small and your models fat.

Also, you can see a pretty simple pattern for hooking up $http a real REST API in this series which starts here

Hope that helps!

~ 8 years ago

What do you think about create course about ng1 all written in typescript ? It could be very helpful.

Lukas Ruebbelkeinstructor
~ 8 years ago

I think that is a great idea! :D

~ 8 years ago

I would love to see one!