Read and write KV Storage cache from Cloudflare Worker

InstructorJon Meyers

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KV Storage is a read-optimized, eventually consistent cache that can be accessed from Cloudflare Workers. The interface for reading and writing is similar to localStorage in the browser.

In this lesson, we create a read-kv route for reading from the KV store. This automatically gets passed any KV stores that have been bound to the Cloudflare Worker. Initially, the store is empty, so returns the value null.

Additionally, we create a write-kv route to populate the store with test data.

To reduce the overhead of stringifying and parsing JSON objects, we create two helper functions to easily read and write values to any KV store.

Lastly, we publish a production version of our Cloudflare Worker, to confirm that writing these value locally - to our preview store - does not affect our production store.

Code Snippets

readFrom helper function

export const readFrom = async (cache, path) => {
  const data = await cache.get(path);
  return JSON.parse(data);

writeTo helper function

export const writeTo = async (cache, path, data) => {
  await cache.put(path, JSON.stringify(data));

Read KV route

router.get("/read-kv", async (request, { ARTICLES }) => {
  const articles = await readFrom(ARTICLES, "/articles");
  return json(articles);

Write KV route

router.get("/write-kv", async (request, { ARTICLES }) => {
  const articles = [{ title: "test3" }, { title: "test4" }];
  await writeTo(ARTICLES, "/articles", articles);

  return json(articles);

Publish Cloudflare Worker

npx wrangler publish

Run wrangler development server

npx wrangler dev
