Build a Fluid Loading Animation in CSS

InstructorAkash Gutha

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In this lesson, we will create a fluid loading animation using Animations and Transformations in CSS3.


  1. Use keyframes to animate.
  2. Add animation property to the required division.
  3. Add in an appropriate Transition time.
  4. Play with the easing function to get a smooth animation.
~ 7 years ago

Hi Akash! Congrats for the video. Only one thing to notice. In this case probably doesn't matter in terms of performance, but is not recommended to animate the height property. The only recommended properties to be animated are transform and opacity.


~ 7 years ago

This link is a good read about that topic

Akash Guthainstructor
~ 7 years ago

Yea. that is a good link. I'll probably should make another tutorial on that

~ 7 years ago
