Use Multiple Independent Instances of a Cycle.js Component

InstructorAndré Staltz

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Once we have a labeled slider component inside the main function, we should be able to create another labeled slider. This lesson teaches how to accomplish that, and make sure those two instances work independently of each other.

~ 9 years ago

This part looks like the 'parallel parking'. I have to watch this again and again.

Stephen James
~ 8 years ago

Could the selector class be added to props and props be passed to intent as well as view? The pre/post stuff seems klunky for adding class and selector

~ 6 years ago

Could the selector class be added to props and props be passed to intent as well as view? The pre/post stuff seems klunky for adding class and selector

This seems weird indeed, introducing imperative code into a functional app... I've simply passed the selector into the intent/view functions, and prepended it to the existing selector.