Make D3 v4 Charts Responsive with the viewBox attribute

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Making SVGs responsive is unfortunately not as simple as adding some media queries. This lesson introduces the viewBox attribute, which is used to control how SVGs scale. We’ll also examine a reusable function that can be used to make nearly any visualization responsive.

Víctor de la Cruz
~ 7 years ago

This is needlessly complex. To get the same behaviour, just remove the width and height attributes from the SVG element and you'll get a responsive or "fluid" SVG.

As described here:

~ 6 years ago

Question for responsivefy function, The height won't work on a dynamic tree data.

pery mimon mimon
~ 6 years ago

What wrong with just CSS {width:100%, height:100%} or css grid or css flex ; and if the code want to responce to resize event is much better to update the dom in requestanimationFrame