Debug React Components with Developer Tools in Chrome

InstructorJoe Maddalone

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React Development Tools is a Chrome plugin that provides handy ways to inspect and debug your React components.

~ 9 years ago

In the Code tab, it says that click here for the full source of the lesson - I assumed it meant the source files. However, clicking on it makes me download the lesson video instead of the lesson code.

Joel Hooks
~ 9 years ago

Sorry, it was mistaken. The code tab has been removed.

~ 9 years ago

So is the code available somewhere, or is it going to be? Would be nice to run this.

Joel Hooks
~ 9 years ago

No, the code for this is not available. Use it with any React code to see the magic of the Reqct Developer tools! ✨

Michael Wight
~ 9 years ago

Hello I need the template that is shown in this video @1:30 second....

Rasmus Sjørslev
~ 9 years ago

Jordan McMillan
~ 9 years ago

I very much enjoyed these quick and to the point lessons. Thanks!

lau zio
~ 8 years ago

Which atom snippets you're using?

~ 8 years ago

where can i find the source?

~ 8 years ago

This Site App might make a great Final Take-Home Project, for this set of excellent lessons.

Tony Brown
~ 8 years ago

Overall a great overview of React, I skipped the last lesson when I saw what version was being used. Would have been a nice capstone project to have built out the site but the lesson was on React dev tools. Other than that, I learned a great deal.

~ 8 years ago

Fantastic course - loved every second of it - learned a tonne. Time to build!

~ 7 years ago

Good tutorial and help a lot in understanding React

cubeua cubeua
~ 7 years ago

Thank You. Cool Tutorial. I was understand more features.

Héctor BlisS
~ 6 years ago

thanks for this =D