Format a Markdown file for Gatsby.js v1

InstructorTaylor Bell

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Gatsby looks at the “front matter” at the top of each Markdown file when building your blog. In this lesson, we’ll create a few dummy posts with all the necessary information.

Luis Toubes
~ 7 years ago

The soruce code is wrongly linked.

Taylor Bellinstructor
~ 7 years ago

The soruce code is wrongly linked.

@Luis: Try this:

Hanna Rosenfeld
~ 6 years ago

there is no file inside the 2017-10-31-halloween directory that I created (in the src/pages dir) -- was the part skipped in which I had to "touch" the file?

~ 6 years ago

there is no file inside the 2017-10-31-halloween directory that I created (in the src/pages dir) -- was the part skipped in which I had to "touch" the file?

A bit late to comment, but just in case others missed it. He did "vi". Vim will automatically create a new file.