Add a Relay Node Interface to a GraphQL Schema

InstructorJosh Black

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The GraphQL Relay Specification requires that a GraphQL Schema has some kind of mechanism for re-fetching an object. For typical Relay-compliant servers, this is going to be the Node Interface. In this video, we’ll add in the Node interface to a GraphQL Schema by using the helpers available in the graphql-relay npm package.

~ 7 years ago

The reason for the error at the end is that you created a circular import. I already felt this could lead to problems when you did that in lesson 12...

Josh Blackinstructor
~ 7 years ago

Hi Chris! Glad to see you spotted the error 😄.

In this series, the hope was to try and emulate an issue that I've found to be common when people are starting out with GraphQL. In this case, the error would be that circular import like you described previously.

Awesome to see that you caught it, but I also wanted to walk through solving the problems for others who might end up in a similar situation to what was crafted in the video.

~ 7 years ago

Late to the party, but why is videoType out of scope the first time?

I thought the difficulty was OK. The real issue is the teacher commenting on what he types (no need to do that IMO since we can see that on the screen or look up on github) as opposed to taking a step back to explain why he's doing what he's doing and what all of these concepts mean which would be 10 times more productive as far as learning goes.

~ 7 years ago

I thought that the graphql course was short, and apart from not showing anything that you can not read in the first steps of the documentation until the 11th video, I now realize that the last three videos are useless for non-React developers.