Execute Queries and Mutations on a GraphQL API using Insomnia

InstructorKadi Kraman

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We'll use Insomnia to explore the API that we will be building our application against. I'll give you a tour of our GraphQL API and then start writing some queries. To get a feel of the data that is being sent back we will run queries for All Stories, Story By ID, Add Bookmark, All Bookmarks, and Remove Bookmark.


  • API: https://github.com/kadikraman/news-flash-api
  • Download Insomnia: https://insomnia.rest/download
Kolton Gagnon
~ 3 years ago

Does this course require any pre-requisites? Asking since the first video seems to be "getting right into it" and wasn't sure if there was an introduction course prefacing this?

Kadi Kramaninstructor
~ 3 years ago

Hi Kolton! The main purpose of this course was to show how to use graphQL with React Native, so it's an intermediate course from a React Native perspective, but an intro course from a graphQL perspective. Hope this helps!