Create a Rejected Promise in JavaScript with Promise.reject()

InstructorMarius Schulz

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You can use the Promise.reject() method to create a promise that is rejected with the given reason.

~ 6 years ago

What is the advantage of returning a rejected promise rather than just throwing an error (as in previous example). The stack trace is available in both cases, just not sure I fully understand the purpose of Promise.reject

Marius Schulzinstructor
~ 6 years ago

@Victor: Within an async function, you can decide to go with either approach; both throwing an error and returning a rejected promise will result in a rejected promise being returned from the method.

However, there's a difference in behavior in a non-asynchronous function (one that's not declared using the async keyword). If you throw an error, such a function will not return a rejected promise — it will let the error bubble up the call stack until the nearest catch block (if any). Returning a rejected promise, on the other hand, will not cause an error to be thrown.