Load CSS in a Electron BrowserWindow

InstructorCameron Nokes

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In this lesson we'll learn how to load CSS in an Electron BrowserWindow, which is just like loading CSS into the browser. We’ll also use the ready-to-show event to only display our BrowserWindow when its rendering is complete.

James Barlow
~ 7 years ago

Looks like you did a bit of refactoring after first lesson? index.js -> main.js, plus introducing renderer.js to get the version number.

~ 7 years ago

how and when did you create renderer.js It just seems to have appeared from nowhere.

~ 7 years ago

The file renderer.js is created in lesson 3, which is a pro lesson.

~ 7 years ago

So I guess pros watch lessons like 1,3,2,5,4.... ??

~ 6 years ago

yeah, as much as I like egghead.io, this kind of stuff happen far too frequently for the price.