Optimize React Component Performance with useMemo

InstructorRyan Harris

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The useMemo hook is a performance optimization in React which leverages "memoization" under the hood. Memoization is essentially an internal caching mechanism that allows functions to avoid re-computing expensive values when receiving the same inputs.

useMemo has the same function signature as useEffect and useLayoutEffect because it also takes a function and optional dependency array as its arguments. Unlike those hooks, however, the value returned by useMemo is a memoized value.

Note: The React documentation suggests that you implement your logic with useEffect first to make sure your application works. Then, you can go back and refactor with useMemo to improve app performance.

// Hook runs whenever the value of 'a' or 'b' change
const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => computeExpensiveValue(a, b), [a, b])

// Receiving input for the first time returns a newly computed value
computeExpensiveValue(1, 2)

// Receiving the same input arguments returns a cached value
Ram Kris
~ 3 years ago

This example isn't that great in my opinion. useMemo() should return a value, shouldn't it? The whole point of useMemo() is to return a previously computed value when there is no change in the dependencies. I feel this article has a better example; https://dmitripavlutin.com/react-usememo-hook/.