Understand the Maybe Data Type

InstructorAndy Van Slaars

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In this lesson, we’ll get started with the Maybe type. We’ll look at the underlying Just and Nothing types and create a simple utility function to create a Maybe from a value. Then we’ll see how we can apply functions to values and skip invocation for values that might cause errors or unexpected results.

Tre' Codez
~ 6 years ago

Loving it!

Tre' Codez
~ 6 years ago

I wonder how you've made vs code show your return values! Rather cool

Also, what theme is that?

Tulio Miranda
~ 6 years ago

@Wayne, I've just searched for that (couldn't continue with the class knowing that there was something as awesome as that to be discovered). I found the QuokkaJs product ( made by the same team that built WallabyJs )

So, there you go!

Andy Van Slaarsinstructor
~ 6 years ago

Yup, it is Quokka from the Wallaby team.

The theme in the videos is this one: https://github.com/orefalo/bcmarinacci.theme-material-operator-1.3.0

~ 6 years ago

Hi, how do I get "Just" + return value or "Nothing" printed in the console instead of an unwrapped Maybe object (check the console output to this lesson, it's some object of type "crocks/Maybe@3")?

Invoking option(0) on a Just returns "Foo" as expected.

Andy Van Slaarsinstructor
~ 6 years ago

Hi, how do I get "Just" + return value or "Nothing" printed in the console instead of an unwrapped Maybe object (check the console output to this lesson, it's some object of type "crocks/Maybe@3")?

You can call it with the inspect method like this: console.log(result.inspect())

~ 5 years ago

Thanks Andy, There's a hype around ADT these days and I'm trying to understand it. As for Maybe shouldn't Typescript or Reason resolve these kind of issues? what's the added value?

~ a year ago

Playing with this in typescript, using @types/crocks. inspect is missing from the Maybe type. Following the code in crocks I see it just returns a string so I added the method in the Maybe.d.ts file "inpect(): string" then realized they probably don't include it because it already has the built in toString() method which does the same thing.

console.log(result.toString()); // Just 3