Understand Transformer Functions

InstructorPaul Frend

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The next transducer building block we need to explore is a transformer. A transformer is a function that takes a value and returns a transformed version of it.

In this lesson, we cover some examples of transformer functions and use them with some basic composition. We'll follow the functional style of creating new values, avoiding mutations. Even though they're trivial functions, it's important to understand how they work, as soon we’ll be combining them with reducers to create transducers.

Ioan Lucut
~ 7 years ago

Hi! Thank you for your lesson! May I ask what kind of plugin are you using in the Webstorm for compiling & run the lines on the fly?

Paul Frendinstructor
~ 7 years ago

Thanks @Ioan! The plugin is called quokka, check it out https://quokkajs.com/

Tre' Codez
~ 4 years ago

Oh, not Wallaby! Checking it out now then!