1. 11
    Access Route Params from Props inside a Next.js Dynamic App Router Route
    2m 29s

Access Route Params from Props inside a Next.js Dynamic App Router Route

InstructorBen Patton

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We finish migrating our customer routes to the app router by migrating our customer id route.

The biggest concept here to note is that you don't need to access the router to get dynamic page params, they are passed to the server component automatically. Here we remove the useRouter call and get the data from props.

As noted in the Course Description & Project Walkthrough video the majority of the remaining routes are left to you to migrate. If you would like to follow along in the Next Migration Extras Course check out the lessons "Migrate Invoice Routes" and "Migrate Remaining Pages to App Router"

And lastly, if you want to look at the code, at any time you can run git checkout solution and look in the final folder for the code you are looking for