1. 18
    Dynamically Update UI with Database Changes using Supabase Realtime

Dynamically Update UI with Database Changes using Supabase Realtime

InstructorJon Meyers

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Supabase allows us to subscribe to changes in the database, and update our UI, without the user needing to refresh the page. In this lesson, we create a subscription for postgres_changes, listening for any change events - insert, update or delete - on our tweets table.

Additionally, we call the router.refresh() function to re-run our Server Components, fetching fresh data from Supabase.

Code Snippets

Subscribe to database changes

const channel = supabase
  .channel("realtime tweets")
      event: "*",
      schema: "public",
      table: "tweets",
    (payload) => {


Jens Mikkelsen
~ a year ago

I'm not sure if this was mentioned in the video, but the revalidatePath call in new-tweet.tsx is no longer necessary after subscribing. Maybe it makes the update more quick but still no longer strictly necessary.

~ 3 months ago

0:15 - The Replications tab has been renamed to Publications.