Interact with Tweets with Twit.js

InstructorHannah Davis

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We’ll learn the basics of interacting with tweets, including retweeting, deleting, favoriting, and replying to tweets. We'll get our home timeline by using Twit's GET method to access the statuses/home_timeline endpoint, including the count parameter, which lets us get back a certain number of tweets. We'll also pass it a callback. We'll learn how to cycle through the data (the tweets) we get back and see what information is included. We'll learn how to retweet statuses by posting to statuses/retweet and including the tweet id. We can unretweet by posting to statuses/unretweet with the same tweet id. We'll also learn how to like a tweet by posting to favorites/create with a tweet id, and unlike a tweet by posting to favorites/destroy with a tweet id. We'll also learn how to reply to a tweet by posting to statuses/update, with a status that includes the handle of the user we're replying to and in_reply_to_status_id parameter, which is the id of the tweet we're replying to. We'll learn how to delete a tweet by posting to statuses/destroy with the tweet's id.