Use Google Sheets with Node and Express in Fun Side Projects

InstructorJohn Lindquist

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First and foremost, DO NOT use Google Sheets for any production app. It's fine for fun side projects for your family or friends, but not much more. With those disclaimers in mind, Google sheets can be complicated to set up if you don't follow precise configuration steps. This lesson walks you through setting up Google sheets credentials, authentication, getting/appending values, then finally wrapping the sheets api with Node.js and Express to use in a simple project.

~ 7 years ago

You left out Itchy, Scratchy and Platypus!

Good stuff.

Joc Cing
~ 4 years ago

Hi John,

Thanks for sharing, its very insightful. Could you tell me how you could easily find the JWT class definition? it seemed like there was a shortcut key you used, and i don't think vs code intellisense does this.


Joc Cing
~ 4 years ago

Some updates to the code:

const { google } = require('googleapis')

The curly brackets are needed to deconstruct correctly.