First API with Node.js, Express and MongoDB

InstructorJohn Lindquist

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Learn how to import data into your MongoDB and then use Express to serve a simple Node.js API.

~ 10 years ago

Very clear and simple explanation. Could it be possible for you to explain how you hooked up your angular controller to the server.js to get the returned resources? I diddnt see any angular bootstrapping in your HTML code.

~ 10 years ago

the JSON Generator website is a great tool to play with mock data and get a feel of working with mongoDB. This is how tutorials are meant to be seamless and simplistic, large area for error to happen with little cut backs

~ 9 years ago

if possible please add DATE also in both view of video lists. this will help to understand sequence.

Guillaume Jacquet
~ 9 years ago

Thank for this great sample ! How do you get the auto-completing in terminal ? Is a webstorm's plugin ? Thanks a lot


Philip Cox
~ 9 years ago

Nice tutorial, but I think it falls a little short with displaying the data onto the page.

~ 9 years ago

+1 I've been wondering about this too...

Joe Wu
~ 9 years ago

If you want to test the remove function, you will need to pass in an empty object {}.
