1. 22
    Accessing Global State inside of Async Thunks with TypeScript
    1m 21s

Accessing Global State inside of Async Thunks with TypeScript

InstructorJamund Ferguson

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The payloadCreator argument to createAsyncThunk takes two arguments. The first is a single arg that receives data passed into the thunk's action creator such as dispatch(checkout(items)). The second is called thunkAPI that contains something like 7 different methods on it. Here we're going to use its getState() method to access the global state just before we make complete the checkout API call.

When it comes to typing createAsyncThunk just like other RTK methods, it will mostly be typed by default. In this case we still need to tell it about our store. We can do that with thunkAPI.getState() as RootState which I think is the preferred way to handle the types here. If we really want to be thorough though, we can pass in the full types like this:

  { state: RootState }
>("slice/typeName", payloadCreator)