Compose Multiple Higher Order Components Together using Recompose

InstructorTim Kindberg

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Learn how to use the 'compose' function to mix together HOCs, even ones from other libraries like 'connect' from redux.

Austin Witherow
~ 8 years ago

I notice the use of the setPropTypes within one of the HOCs. How could I integrate flow typing instead of propTypes to such a HOC?

Peramanathan Sathyamoorthy
~ 8 years ago

To be precise you should have

const enhance = compose( connect(), setPropTypes({ name: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, status: React.PropTypes.string }), setDisplayName('User') );

The order of execution in compose is reverse

Ray Dai
~ 8 years ago

Did the dispatch prop being initialized in connect and pass on implicitly?

Logan Powell
~ 7 years ago

Would love to see some coverage of the Obeservables HOCs from Recompose :)