Create a Scrollable React Native Component with ScrollView

InstructorTyler McGinnis

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To show a list of unchanging data in React Native you can use the scroll view component. In this lesson, we'll map through the data we got back from the Github API, and fill complete ScrollView component for the user profile.

~ 10 years ago

Why does the getRowTitle() method take the userInfo object? It's not being used at all.


~ 10 years ago

FYI, it seems like part of this video is missing. 4:40 has no return statement but it's there at 4:51. Also, Dashboard's goToProfile method wasn't completed on camera.

But hey, it was a good test to do on my own :)

nader dabit
~ 10 years ago

For anyone who may have missed the Profile route: this.props.navigator.push({ component: Profile, title: 'Profile Page', passProps: {userInfo: this.props.userInfo} })

~ 9 years ago

For anyone who may have missed the Profile route: this.props.navigator.push({ component: Profile, title: 'Profile Page', passProps: {userInfo: this.props.userInfo} })

Which goes on Dashboard.js

~ 9 years ago

If you're getting "Can't find variable: Profile," you'll need to require the Profile file on Dashboard.js.

var Profile = require('./Profile');

~ 9 years ago

Thanks! Definitely missed this

~ 9 years ago

Thanks! Definitely missed this

Florian Vallen
~ 8 years ago

there's no need for the userInfo parameter in the getRowTitle function