Install and Configure the Entry Point of react-intl

InstructorDamon Bauer

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We’ll install react-intl, then add it to the mounting point of our React app.

Then, we’ll use react-intl helpers to load locales in our app, including English, Spanish and French and choose which locale data to load based on the user's browser language.

We’ll also set up and include messages files for each language, which hold all of the translated strings for our app.

Yujing Zheng
~ 7 years ago

This is another great example showing off the power of high-order component arch.

Ina Cherry
~ 7 years ago

how do you generate the messages.js file in this form ?

~ 6 years ago

Hi Mr Damon Bauer, your course helped me a lot in my current professional project, I have one question not covered in the course: i'm working with three languages english french and arabic, is there any thing to do to change the direction in (html dir="ltr" lang="en") to html (dir="rtl" lang="ar") automatically with react-intl ? and thank you for the great course :)

Benny Samuelsson
~ 5 years ago

There are a couple of typos in the transcript. First 'en.US' in the beginning and then IntlProvider locale=(locale) should be curly braces {locale}.

Otherwise, good series.

Vijay P R
~ 4 years ago

I think the course needs to be updated . Seems like addLocaleData is no longer supported in laetest react-intl