Moving Your Entire Development Environment to the Cloud with Next.js, Gitpod, and Vercel

Instructornader dabit

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In this video we'll learn how to move an entire development environment to the cloud with Next.js, Gitpod, and Vercel, enabling you to develop and iterate on full stack web applications from any machine including iPads, Chromebooks, and new environments without any previous setup.

We'll start by forking an example blog repo, running it in Gitpod, and writing our first blog post. We'll then enable a Gitpod integration, deploying again to Gitpod to show that the entire process has been automated. Finally, we'll deploy to Vercel directly from the Gitpod environment. By the end of this lesson, you should have a good understanding of how to build, deploy, and automate full stack applications to the cloud with Gitpod.