Set up Storybook for React from Scratch

InstructorShawn Wang

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Storybook is a UI component development environment for React, Vue, and Angular. With that, you can develop UI components without running your app.

Here I show how to set up Storybook to display React components from scratch.

Joonas Kallunki
~ 6 years ago

Why is it using Yarn to install packages but NPM to run?

~ 6 years ago

Note that the installation step is outdated in this video, you need Babel7 and Babel loader instead npm i -D @babel/core babel-loader@next

Christopher Debove
~ 6 years ago

+1 @venelinpetrov. As of now if you install @storybook/react without specifying a version, it will install the version 5 of storybook. This version depends now on babel 7 (which is scoped into @babel scope)