Setup Nuclide to use Flow and Eslint (Mac)

InstructorPhil Holden

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Nuclide is the IDE Facebook employees use to write React code. But setting it up to use Flow type checking and Eslint to lint files on the fly is tricky. This video shows you how.

Jeff Lau
~ 8 years ago

I've gone through this tutorial and it all works except for linting. Not getting any errors (that i can see). I've added the .eslintrc and the npm packages as well as the linter-eslint atom package. It's just not linting my js files and I'm not sure why.

Jeff Lau
~ 8 years ago

Fixed it by adding babel-eslint npm package. I also used eslint@3. Not sure which one was causing problems - maybe both?

Grant Heath
~ 8 years ago

Jeff is correct you need to install babel-eslint. You have it listed as a dependency in your example package.json. However, it isn't in the list of NPM modules the tutorial has people install. I was also able to get it working with eslint@2 and 3.