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Setup React Native for iOS and Android

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In this lesson we'll walk through the process of installing the react-native-cli through setting up a basic react-native project on iOS. We'll get the basic project running in a simulator via XCode. We'll also setup Android, Android Studio and get the project running on an emulator with the react-native run-android command.

~ 8 years ago

It'd be super nice to have the transcript of this course too. Cheers!!

~ 8 years ago

This needs to be revised as the android command has been deprecated and Android Studio configuration has change with the latest release.

Mário Rodrigues
~ 8 years ago

Plus one. I had to create a project in Android Studio to that I could access the AVD Manager.

~ 8 years ago

Please revise ASAP. The deprecated commands make this tutorial not particularly useful.

~ 8 years ago

android avd is simply not a command anymore - I'm sure this is a slight evolution but ever so frustrating that the entire tutorial is held up by this

~ 8 years ago

Standalone SDK manager option isnt available

~ 8 years ago

You can do the following to get the emulator up and running from the command line:

add to ~/.bash_profile

export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
source ~/.bash_profile
avdmanager create avd --force --name reactnative --abi google_apis/x86_64 --package 'system-images;android-23;google_apis;x86_64' --device "Nexus 6"

Apparently at the time of writing you have to execute emultar for the tools directory

cd "$(dirname "$(which emulator)")"
emulator @reactnative
Gerardo Palazuelos
~ 7 years ago

between this video and the React-Native docs, I was able to achieve this lecture goal... on my way! horay!