Handle Error Conditions in a Reducer using redux-actions

InstructorAndy Van Slaars

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In this lesson, we’ll see how we can handle success and error conditions independently using next and throw properties in a reducerMap with handleActions. We’ll add calls to catch for our fetch calls and display error messages when we encounter an error.

Chester Rivas
~ 6 years ago

Are you saying that redux-actions knows automatically to use the next and throw keys depending on if the payload is a success payload or an error payload? Or did I miss something?

Andy Van Slaarsinstructor
~ 6 years ago

Are you saying that redux-actions knows automatically to use the next and throw keys depending on if the payload is a success payload or an error payload? Or did I miss something?

Yup. If your payload is an Error object, it will use the throw property, anything else will be handled by next

~ 6 years ago

This is so frickin cool. So this only works if you use the actionCreator right ?