1. 13
    Use Remix Actions to Handle Form Submission POST Requests
    5m 13s

Use Remix Actions to Handle Form Submission POST Requests

InstructorKent C. Dodds

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Let’s make forms for those nested admin routes. We can accomplish this using Remix’s handy Form component. But, we also need to actually handle the form submission. We’ll do that using a Remix action.

In Remix you perform all your GETs with loaders, but everything else is going to use an action. Our action in this case will take a request, parse the form data, use Prisma to create a new post with the form data, and then redirect the user to the admin index.

Remember to also write a new function in a .server file that handles creating the post in Prisma!

Note: Fetch implementation has changed, to log request payload, you need to use Object.fromEntries(). e.g. console.log(Object.fromEntries(await request.formData()))

ed leach
~ 3 years ago

I don't see posts/admin/new.tsx in the repo. Only notes/new.tsx

~ 3 years ago

Hi, I just wanted to share a small feedback while trying to run the code locally.

Interestingly, on my computer, 'console.log(await request.formData())' prints 'FormData {}' without any details in the console.

Except that, the code works perfectly; it just does not display the form payload.

Thank you again for this great lesson

Kent C. Doddsinstructor
~ 3 years ago

Thanks! I recorded this a few days before we made a change to our fetch implementation. Do this instead:

console.log(Object.fromEntries(await request.formData()))