Remove React PropTypes by using Flow Annotations (in CRA)

InstructorFlavio Corpa

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Starting from v15.5 if we wanted to use React's PropTypes we had to change our code to use a separate node module, now we can go one step further and get rid of that extra dependency just by using flow type annotations in our create-react-app project!

Joonas Hamunen
~ 7 years ago

Any more coming? Specifically type checking in redux?

Flavio Corpainstructor
~ 7 years ago

For sure! There are more goods on Flow coming, thanks for your interest! :)

James Talmage
~ 7 years ago

Is there a Babel plugin that hydrates propTypes to allow runtime type checking? Or are you simply relying on Flows static analysis?

Tony Brown
~ 7 years ago

would love to see more about Flow with React