Replace Observable.create with Observable creation helpers

InstructorAndré Staltz

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In this lesson we will learn about potential problems that may arise when using Observable.create, a low-level function for creating Observables. In its place, we will use easier helper functions that create Observables in a safe manner.

Fernando Catacora
~ 4 years ago

How can listen to different events? For example, I have function with a callback and when the callback is called I want the Observale listen for that call. At this point fromEvent just lister for click, windowresize, etc.

Will Johnson
~ 4 years ago

How can listen to different events? For example, I have function with a callback and when the callback is called I want the Observale listen for that call. At this point fromEvent just lister for click, windowresize, etc.

Hi Fernando, have you looked into the bindCallback method?