Yolk (An RxJS UI Library) in 7 Minutes

InstructorJohn Lindquist

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Yolk is a small library that works in tandem with RxJS to render handle events and render out HTML using JSX. If you already understand RxJS, Yolk is a very simple addition to your front-end toolbelt. If you're just learning RxJS, Yolk is also an excellent way to practice using Observable and figuring out how they work together by building familiar UI applications.

Wilgert Velinga
~ 9 years ago

What is the this keyword in the function App(){} pointing to i.e. where does the createEventHandler function come from?

John Lindquistinstructor
~ 9 years ago

"this" is the Component. It's one of the only parts of the Yolk api and is handled through Yolk internals.

Shaul Fridman
~ 8 years ago

I see that the library is dead :-( Do you know anything about it?

from its gihub: 🚨 This library is no longer being maintained 🚨 https://github.com/garbles/yolk