Build a Multi-Tab Todos App in Script Kit

InstructorJohn Lindquist

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Create, read, update, delete. Four actions that every developer becomes intimately familiar with over their career. Script Kit aims to make this process as pleasant as possible using a db helper and what better way to show it off than a Todos app?

You will also learn how to create and switch between tabs through Script Kit's onTab and setTab methods.

Install todos

// Name: Todos

import "@johnlindquist/kit"

let { todos, write } = await db({ todos: [] })

onTab("Todos", async () => {
  while (true) {
    let todo = await arg("Toggle todo:", todos)
    let t = _.find(todos, todo)
    t.tag = t.tag === "open" ? "done" : "open"
    await write()

onTab("New", async () => {
  let name = await arg("New todo:")
  todos.push({ name, id: uuid(), tag: "open" })
  await write()

onTab("Remove", async () => {
  let todo = await arg("Remove todo:", todos)
  _.remove(todos, todo)
  await write()