Build a Vue.js Form then use Vuex Actions to Post to an API in Nuxt

InstructorJohn Lindquist

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The default behavior of submitting an HTML form is to reload the page. You can use the Vue.js @submit.prevent syntax to avoid that behavior. Then wire together the @submit event with an add Vuex action to handle an async post to an api. This lesson walks you through posting to an API using Vue.js, Vuex. and Nuxt.

Ben Polinsky
~ 7 years ago

Where does the todo state navigation come from?

Michael Friedman
~ 7 years ago

Great series guys. There's a little gap in the process there, but if you guys could just throw in a video with the navigation stuff that would be great since I believe the router is specific to Nuxt.

Jeff Lindholm
~ 7 years ago

So when did you do all the navagation? And it is not even in the repo that I can find? Would be nice to not go from one video to another and have all new stuff that was not discussed or at least pointed to in the repo so we could go look at it.

Steven Grant1
~ 7 years ago

Don't think the Github code actually matches the lesson?