While traditional Vue components require a data function which returns an object and a method object with your handlers, vue-class-component
flattens component development by allowing you to add your data properties and handlers directly as properties of your class.
What the reason to use it? This is not trivial approach and it's difficult to explain to new people.
is the following an error?
new Vue({
el: "#root", // <---- in Video is #app here (code) #root
render: h => <App />
I think that is a poi-configuration? How can I extract poi-configration at all?
Dear John in each lesson you use an another UI-Library, Tailwind, Tachyons, Semantic-UI,.. Meanwhile, I cannot memorize all the abbreviations, how do you do that? Dou you have a certain formula? Thank you for this great Video-tutorial, I never thought, I can see them all without falling asleep.
I also will agree that this method of writing components looks (and is) unnecessary complex and has no real practical benefits.
meh, so pointless.
Hi John, I'm wondering how to use Vuex and mapGetters and mapActions with vue-class-component. Could you please point me in a right direction?
Evan You (9/30/18 https://medium.com/the-vue-point/plans-for-the-next-iteration-of-vue-js-777ffea6fabf):
3.0 will support class-based components natively...
Cool, How we should structure the hook that come with the component lifecycle ( for example mounted, created...) in a class-based component?