Use Vue.js Watchers to Respond to Async Updates

InstructorGreg Thoman

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Use watchers to keep an eye on your data. Watchers are methods that are invoked when the specified attribute changes. They are useful when you want to perform asynchronous operations in response to changing data.

~ 8 years ago

Great video. simple to follow and to the point.

When trying to follow along, I noticed after following the course from the 4th video and then doing the 5th video my example in codepen didn't work. The examples assumed you have underscore as a dependency. I added that and everything was good :)

~ 8 years ago

Just a FYI - you used v-model which you did not talk about in the earlier lessons

Gavin Scott
~ 7 years ago

deleted comment*. It was a missing reference in my header declaration.

Yiğit Oner
~ 7 years ago

Just a FYI - you used v-model which you did not talk about in the earlier lessons

Same goes for v-on:submit.prevent and v-bind:disabled