Create Apps Using the Elm Application Architecture

InstructorMurphy Randle

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Elm is designed specifically for building applications, and it is built around a scalable and sensible application architecture. Learn the very basics of this architecture through updating application state by reacting to DOM events.

~ 8 years ago

it feels like back in the day when there was all these frameworks for building web applications that abstracted from the dom and generated html (I don't mean that as a bad thing).

Dan Minshew
~ 8 years ago

Just heads up, I had to use Html.App rather than Html in order to get beginnerProgram import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)

Murphy Randleinstructor
~ 8 years ago

Hi, Daniel, Thanks for the heads up! The video should have been updated to reflect that change as of yesterday morning. Are you seeing something different now?

~ 8 years ago

Hi, Daniel, Thanks for the heads up! The video should have been updated to reflect that change as of yesterday morning. Are you seeing something different now?

At about the 3:15 mark, you type:

import Html exposing (beginnerProgram)
~ 4 years ago

The way to to do import Html exposing (beginnerProgram) now is

import Browser exposing (sandbox)

main =
        { init = model
        , view = view
        , update = update