Sequencing Data With Lists in Elm

InstructorMurphy Randle

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Lists are used in Elm to represent sequences of data. The List library comes with a toolbox of useful functions. Here we cover list transformation (map), and getting single values from lists (fold).

Aldo Nievas
~ 7 years ago

What editor are you using ?

Mike Schutte
~ 6 years ago


Is there a reason you chose foldl as your find mechanism instead of first << filter? Just curious.

Suwigya Rathore
~ 6 years ago

which editor I am not getting auto format

~ 5 years ago

I had to replace toString with Debug.toString

Julio Graffin
~ 4 years ago

I'm using 0.19 and getting error when trying to use toString, and actually should work with String.fromInt or Float, but it doesn't =/ What should I do?

~ 4 years ago

@Juliu Graffin this works in elm 0.19.1: text <| Debug.toString foo

~ 4 years ago

As for editor, try any editor that can work with a language server:

(Vim, VSCode, Emacs...)