1. 14
    Query Data by Property with GraphQL and Fauna in Next.js
    3m 20s

Query Data by Property with GraphQL and Fauna in Next.js

InstructorShadid Haque

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It would be great to show a list of shops that a vendor has created. To do this we will need to create a new query getShopsByOwnerId that accepts a string that will be our user id. Like before, we'll merge this schema change into Fauna and update our roles to make this request.

On the frontend we'll create a shop list component and pass in the user token that Auth0 gives us for the logged in user.

~ 2 years ago

Hi Shadid Haque, hope you are well, I am encountering a strange error when calling the getShopsByOwnerId query, I get Permission Denied whenever I refresh the page, this issue only occurs in the manage-shops page, however, when I call it from the home page I do get all the shops

Shadid Haqueinstructor
~ 2 years ago

Please check if you are using the correct token from Auth0. Please share your code and I can take a look.