1. 12
    Create New Shop with Apollo Client useMutation
    3m 43s

Create New Shop with Apollo Client useMutation

InstructorShadid Haque

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We are ready to create new shops for our vendors. To do this we'll define a CreateShop mutation that will take in all the data that our form provides. Then useMutation will accept that mutation and give us a function to pass our data into as well as give us the new created shop data. We'll pass in user information that we get from Auth0.

This lesson finishes up with an error because Fauna doesn't know if the request came from an authenticated user or not. We'll solve this with dynamic headers in the next lesson.

Eduardo Orozco
~ 2 years ago

Good day, I am getting Error: Invalid database secret. what did I miss?

Shadid Haqueinstructor
~ 2 years ago

This section ends with an Error. The error you get is fixed in the next lesson.