Add Static Data to a Gatsby Theme

InstructorJason Lengstorf

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Learn how to load data from MDX (or any data source) and ensure the necessary folders exist.

To do this, we'll need to add the data in a folder in the project and install two plugins: gatsby-source-filesystem and gatsby-transformer-yaml

In gatsby-config.js, both of those plugins will be defined in the plugin array and the data will be exposed through out our application through GraphQL.

For a written version of this course, check out the Gatsby docs.

Md. Anam Hossain
~ 6 years ago

My data is coming inside graphql playground . I follow all the steps one more time. But bad luck

Md. Anam Hossain
~ 6 years ago this is my repo. I don't know why data is not coming inside graphql playground

Md. Anam Hossain
~ 6 years ago

The problem is fixed. The only reason is the file relative path issue. :)

~ 6 years ago

This works:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-transformer-yaml`,
      options: {
        typeName: `Event`
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
      options: {
        path: `${__dirname}/data/`
Md. Anam Hossain
~ 6 years ago


Ahmed AlQahtani
~ 5 years ago

Here is the data in events.yml:

- name: React Rally
  location: Salt Lake City, UT
  start_date: 2019-08-22
  end_date: 2019-08-23

- name: DinosaurJS
  location: Denver, CO
  start_date: 2019-06-20
  end_date: 2019-06-21

- name: JSHeroes
  location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  start_date: 2020-04-23
  end_date: 2020-04-24

- name: The Lead Developer
  location: Austin, TX
  start_date: 2019-11-08
  end_date: 2019-11-08