Set up Yarn Workspaces for Gatsby Theme Development

InstructorJason Lengstorf

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Learn how to structure folders and configure Yarn workspaces to make the development of Gatsby themes easy.

In this lesson, we'll create two workspaces: gatsby-theme-events and site.

We will see how each workspace can be run separately as well as one depending on the other. In this case, gatsby-theme-events will be a dependency in our site project

For a written version of this course, check out the Gatsby docs.

~ 6 years ago

In order for me to add the local gatsby-theme-xxx dependency to my site workspace, I needed to manually add the dependency to the dependencies object in my site/package.json file. Otherwise I got the following error:

zsh: no matches found: gatsby-theme-xxx@*
~ 6 years ago

In order for me to add the local gatsby-theme-xxx dependency to my site workspace, I needed to manually add the dependency to the dependencies object in my site/package.json file.

I am having the same issue. I can't seem to get by the local dependency. 

This is what works for me:
`yarn workspace site add gatsby react react-dom`

Manually edit `site/package.json` adding dependencies:
`"gatsby-theme-xxx": "1.0.0",`

Then install:
`yarn workspace site add gatsby-theme-xxx@1.0.0`
Jason Lengstorfinstructor
~ 6 years ago

@LANDR and @Chuck, I looked into this and it appears that zsh doesn't allow the * to be unquoted, so it would need to be:

yarn workspace site add "gatsby-theme-xxx@*"
~ 6 years ago

Thanks Jason I did hear you refer to that on the Twitch this afternoon. I experimented and it appears zsh supports variations of this as well. For instance: gatsby-theme-xxx"@*"

Tony Brown
~ 6 years ago

Great, I use zsh Glad I read the comments before I started the course

Jude Lee
~ 5 years ago

Hi Jason, apologies for my out of scope question, but what font are you using in your editor? :o

Jason Lengstorfinstructor
~ 5 years ago

Hi! I use Operator Mono. More details about my setup/gear:

Jude Lee
~ 5 years ago

Awesome, thanks! :)

~ 5 years ago

@LANDR and @Chuck, I looked into this and it appears that zsh doesn't allow the * to be unquoted, so it would need to be:

yarn workspace site add "gatsby-theme-xxx@*"

Hey Jason! Thanks for the tutorial. Is there any chance you have a link to any documentation on the "@*"? Just have never seen it before and can't seem to find it in the npm/yarn docs :)

Jason Lengstorfinstructor
~ 5 years ago

@Pala as far as I can tell, the * in the CLI is a special character that gets handled differently between Mac and Windows. The quotes explicitly escape it, which avoids the Windows issue. I don't know of any docs; this is one of those "I know because I hit this error and someone told me how to fix it" things.

Samuel Suther
~ 4 years ago

Can you give a suggestion how to setup this with a theme in /packages? I ask, because I've did it like you suggest... directly in the root directory of the project. Now that I scope my theme, I didn't get the workspace to run anymore. It seems yarn has some issues with scoped packages. The suggestion I've found was to put it into /packages and then put only this in the main gatsby-config.js:

  "private": true,
  "workspaces": ["packages/*"]

Any suggestion is very welcome!

Jason Lengstorfinstructor
~ 4 years ago

@samuel if you want to see an example of a monorepo with a site and a theme in it, my Learn With Jason site is set up that way: — I'd recommend using that as a reference to get set up

good luck!

Samuel Suther
~ 4 years ago

I got it now. Thanks.